I do love the chalkboard painted walls in many homes. It's a clever and visual way to showcase black and creativity in your small space. When I spotted this leaning black board in a wooden frame, I thought it was a neat take on this. Fab!
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loving. living. small. | live small with style
6/15/2009 | Filed Under USING YOUR WALLS | 6 Comments
Ah! This (and your blog) is an inspiring idea!
I have been wondering about making a blackboard wall but this will allow me to do that as well as create a blackboard I can move around.
I had been toying with the idea of finding an used, movable blackboard from a school to repurpose as both a screen (maybe behind a sofa) as well as an art piece that could include/involve guests.
Thanks again for the inspiration!
Yeah, it's very different and extremely useful at the same time, for groceries, upcoming events, or keeping score on game nights!
I really like that too. It'd be perfect for a nice kitchen or a fun way for friends to leave you messages in your living room.
I had some trouble using chalk board paint over a regular wall. It never accepted the chalk as well as a "real" slate chalk board like we used to have in school. I like the real thing much better, like the one shown in the picture.
Thanks for all the nice comments! :) I really am liking this idea and think I'll try it in my own small space. I don't really want to commit to a whole wall of chalkboard paint. I'll post it if I end up doing this project :)
this is awesome.