
small space d.i.y.
create a vintage mirror wall

If you are a small space dweller like me then I am sure you have a few mirrors in your home to open up your space. Mirrors are definitely a best small space accent - they truly can evolve a small room into a more comfortable and fluid space - love that! 

I wrapped up my vacation in Las Vegas over the weekend and visited the very new and very cool, hip and stylin hotel, The Cosmopolitan. When I walked into the hotel, I was instantly immersed in a design experience from the 4-story chandelier surrounding the bar (you have to see this in person - insane) to the mid-century modern designer 3rd floor lounges - also super savvy and cool for a Las Vegas hotel. While big in size, the details made this hotel feel intimate, boutique and relaxed chic - love that! 

One of the shops in the hotel housed tons of beauty products. I love shops like this not just for the beauty and packaging design but for the entire design element. Inside I spotted walls of vintage mirrors adorning the walls. I love this look and think it's a unique way to integrate mirrors into your home in an interesting way. And if vintage isn't your thing, pick up affordable mirrors for under $5 each at a local craft store and a a can of gold spray paint and make your own style.

:: images by loving. living. small. ::



  1. You always see these removed form the frames, but the frames add so much dimension here. really great!

  2. These are gorgeous! I love this idea... one for the memory banks!

  3. Love this wall & all the vintage mirrors. Saw something similar in a friend's bath on an even smaller scale & it worked too. Great look, will try!

  4. Stunning wall! I adore old vintage frames :)

  5. I love the premise for your blog! As a current small space-dweller I will definitely be back for more :)

  6. I was planning to try this for the guest bath. Never thought of mixing metals though, great idea!


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