I can easily admit, share, confess that I have an affinity for handbags - vintage in particular. Over the years, much of my small collection has come with sweet dustbags that I've saved in a a box. When I was moving into my small space over the summer, I uncovered a bunch of these hangbag dustbags and decided to add them to my interior style. I already had a few frames so up went my dustbags. I am definitely enjoying this look and am happy that I found a home for these bags. Have you framed anything unconventional? Share your story.
I've framed a couple of pieces of silver jewellery...one a broken choker and the other a bracelet of threepences that stopped fitting a long time ago. In white frames on hot pink fabric. Love them :)
This is an amazing idea! I hope to share it with my own readers today! Thanks :-)
I framed my grandmother's silk scarves from the seventies and my grandfather's silk ties from the forties.